Home / Implementation Guide / Bluetooth Setup
Bluetooth Setup
The BleManager
handles the scanning and connections for the SitePoint devices.
Note: SitePoint devices are Bluetooth peripherals. In Bluetooth terms, this means they are connected from a Bluetooth central device — a mobile device running an app, in this case.
The scanning is initiated in MainActivity.java from onResume
The scan specifies a filter on service UUID by creating a scan filter and configuring it to only return devices with the SitePoint service UUID of 00000100-34ed-12ef-63f4-317792041d17.
Handling Discovered SitePoint Peripherals
The Android onScanResult
callback gets the scan result listing each discovered device, which can be used in the Example App’s SitePoint class. This class has some example code for accessing the SitePoint data before the connection is made by parsing SignalQuest’s manufacturer data (e.g., battery, charging state, number of satellites, connection state).
Connecting to a SitePoint
When a connection is requested for a SitePoint from the scan results, the BLE Manager’s connect
method initiates the connection. As part of this connection process, we pass in the Bluetooth GATT callback class which contains functions for interacting with the active device.
Initiating Service and Characteristic Discovery
When connected, as detected in the onConnectionStateChange
callback, we request a higher MTU. In the example app, we request the Android maximum MTU of 517.
Next, in the onMtuChanged
callback, we start the service discovery process. Within the onServicesDiscovered
callback, we discover the characteristics and set references to them.
Preparing for Reading and Writing Data
In order to receive messages from the SitePoint, the characteristic notification needs to be enabled. See the enableNotifications
method for an implementation example. Read events get reported through the onCharacteristicChanged
Data is written to the SitePoint by writing to a characteristic. An example of this is in the BLE Manager’s writeRtcm
method. Write confirmations get reported through the onCharacteristicWrite
callback and should be waited upon before writing more data.
Next Steps
- Message Handling - Send and receive data from the SitePoint peripheral.